Herbal Medicine Dispensary


The Seattle Institute of East Asian Medicine Herbal Dispensary directly supports the operations of the school’s teaching clinic. During your visit, your practitioner may suggest herbal medicine as part of your treatment plan, which they will compound on-site and dispense at the end of your visit.

We stock over 700 unique products for both internal and external use, including raw herbs, granulated herbs, capsules, powders, plasters, liniments, and ointments.

We also offer compounding and dispensing services for licensed practitioners. Orders can be submitted online via our digital ordering form.

Pre-made herbal medicine soaks for external application.

Student interns compound herbal medicine during telehealth clinic

Student interns compound herbal medicine during telehealth clinic.

Student interns prepare rhinitis nose drops from raw materials.

A student intern makes zi yun gao from raw materials.